Paintings, inspired by artist Rina Yoon and Eadweard Muybridge’s waterfalls, night water, Japanese mended textiles, and spiritual numbers. Other recent paintings are of small rapids, waterfalls, and overflow from gutters and downspouts, often intimate in scale. My images are multiple, split, or paneled gestures, segments of a whole, episodic. I think and feel through the real site and imagined water/landscape numeration, an over and again, a "though" and "perhaps" conversation with specific watery places. New work soon. 

                                                                                                               Copyright images © 2021-2024 Marsha McDonald 

Rina’s Land - 16 x 24 inches acrylic, ink on clayboard and birch panels - Rina Yoon’s intuitive assemblage of four landscapes from two series, three years apart. This single image piece has altered the way I look at, and think about my work. The collaborative eye is a gift. How does one artist ever thank another enough for the gift of insight? 2021 Collection of Rina Yoon and Jeffrey Porter


寸法: 4m x 2.5m。

Surface 1: Double-sided European, Asian and American recycled paintings, paper and fabric.

Superfície 1: Pinturas recicladas europeias, asiáticas e americanas de dupla face, papel e tecido.

Dimensões: 4m x 2,5m.


寸法: 4m x 2.5m。

Surface 2: Double-sided European, Asian and American recycled paintings, paper and fabric.

Superfície 2: Pinturas recicladas europeias, asiáticas e americanas de dupla face, papel e tecido.

Dimensões: 4m x 2,5m.